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We support a wide variety of LoRaWAN and LTE (NB-IoT) Sensors.

LoRaWAN and LTE sensors are both used in a variety of IoT applications, but they have different strengths and weaknesses.

LoRaWAN is a low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technology that is well-suited for applications where long-range and low power consumption are important. LoRaWAN sensors can typically transmit data over distances of several kilometres, and they can operate for years on a single battery charge. This makes them ideal for applications such as:

    • Smart cities

    • Industrial automation

LTE is a cellular technology that offers high bandwidth and low latency. This makes it ideal for applications where real-time data transmission is important. LTE sensors are also more widely available than LoRaWAN sensors, and they can be used in areas with existing cellular coverage. This makes them a good choice for applications such as:

    • Video surveillance

    • Industrial control

    • Medical monitoring

    • Public Safety

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between LoRaWAN and LTE sensors:

Feature LoRaWAN LTE
Range Up to several kilometers Up to several kilometers
Data rate Low High
Latency High Low
Power consumption Low High
Cost Low High
Availability Limited Wide

Use cases

Here are some specific examples of how LoRaWAN and LTE sensors are being used today:

    • LoRaWAN sensors are used to track the location of shipping containers and other assets.

    • LoRaWAN sensors are used to monitor air quality, water quality, and other environmental conditions.

    • LoRaWAN sensors are used to monitor soil moisture and crop health in smart agriculture.

    • LoRaWAN sensors are used to monitor parking spaces and traffic conditions in smart cities.

    • LoRaWAN sensors are used to monitor industrial equipment and processes.

    • LTE sensors are used to monitor traffic cameras and other video surveillance systems.

    • LTE sensors are used to track the location of vehicles and other assets.

    • LTE sensors are used to control industrial machines and processes.

    • LTE sensors are used to monitor patients’ vital signs and other medical data.

    • LTE sensors are used to monitor public safety threats such as wildfires and terrorist attacks.

Which technology is right for you?

The best way to decide which technology is right for you is to consider the specific requirements of your application. If you need long range and low power consumption, then LoRaWAN is a good choice. If you need high bandwidth and low latency, then LTE is a good choice. If you need a widely available technology, then LTE is a good choice.

You may also want to consider the cost of the sensors and the cost of deploying and operating the network. LoRaWAN sensors are typically less expensive than LTE sensors, and LoRaWAN networks are less expensive to deploy and operate than LTE networks.

If you are not sure which technology is right for you, you can consult with an IoT expert.